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Flag Of Bhutan

Current Date And Time In Bhutan

Saturday, 02 November 2024
20:44:54 BTT

Bhutan Information

Full NameBhutan
Short NameBTN
National CapitalThimphu
Total Population727,872
Density per km2 (mi2) 19 (49)
Percentage In World Population0.0095%
Land Area In km2 (mi2)38,394 (14,824)
% In World Land Area0.030%
Water Area In km2 (mi2)0 (0)
% In World Water Area0
Total Area In km2 (mi2)38,394 (14,824)
% In World Total Area0.029%
NameBhutanese Ngultrum
Code ISO-4217BTN
National and Official LanguagesDzongkha
Dialing Code
Dialing Prefix and Code(00) 975
Internet Top-Level Domain (TLD)
In Meter2,539
In Feet8,330
GPS Coordinates
Decimal Degrees (DD)27.514° N 90.434° E
Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)27° 30' 51" N 90° 26' 1" E
Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM)27° 30.84' N 90° 26.04' E
Time Zone
UTC Offset+06:00
Daylight Saving Time (DST)No Daylight Saving Time, same UTC offset for all year
Country Codes ISO-3166
Two LetterBT
Three LetterBTN

Bhutanese ngultrum VS Most Traded Currency Exchange Rates

Exploring Bhutanese ngultrum Exchange Rates Against Major Currencies. Discover how the Bhutanese ngultrum (BTN) fares against some of the world's most traded currencies. Delve into an insightful comparison of BTN's exchange rates with renowned currencies like the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), British pound (GBP), and Chinese yuan (CNY). Explore the dynamics of these currency pairs, understanding their fluctuations and trends. Gain a deeper understanding of the BTN's performance in the global forex market and its impact on international trade and finance.

CodeNameExchange Rate
USDUnited States DollarNu. 1 = 0.01189 USD
EUREuroNu. 1 = 0.01094 EUR
JPYJapanese YenNu. 1 = 1.81912 JPY
GBPBritish Pound SterlingNu. 1 = 0.00920 GBP
CNYChinese YuanNu. 1 = 0.08467 CNY

Compare Bhutanese ngultrum (BTN) with Various Currency Exchange Rates.

Most Traded Currency VS Bhutanese ngultrum Exchange Rates

The dynamics of international finance and trade are intricately linked to currency exchange rates, and understanding the fluctuating values of the world's most traded currencies against the Bhutanese ngultrum opens a window into the global economic landscape. The title "Most Traded Currency VS Bhutanese ngultrum Exchange Rates" encapsulates an exploration of how influential currencies like the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), British pound (GBP), and Chinese yuan (CNY) fare against the Bhutanese ngultrum (BTN).

CodeNameExchange Rate
USDUnited States Dollar$ 1 = 84.12035 BTN
EUREuro€ 1 = 91.44302 BTN
JPYJapanese Yen¥ 1 = 0.54972 BTN
GBPBritish Pound Sterling£ 1 = 108.74234 BTN
CNYChinese Yuan¥ 1 = 11.81034 BTN

For other currency conversions or trading currency rates, please click here.

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